What Are the Pitfalls of Installing Skylights on a Roof?

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Have you ever walked into a friend’s house and been envious of their new skylight? Does it make you want one of your own? We can’t blame you; skylights can be a fun addition to any home, especially when it comes to adding natural light, space, and letting in fresh air. Plus, it’s just a really cool conversation starter! But are there pitfalls to installing skylights on a roof?

There are pros and cons to any decision we make in life — including those that impact our roof. For the vast majority, though, you really can’t go wrong with a skylight. There are numerous benefits:

  • Adds natural light
  • Improves your home’s appearance
  • Improvements to resale value
  • Improved energy costs
  • Letting in fresh air
  • Adds space to a room

The trick, however, is to ensure your next skylight is installed correctly. A poorly installed skylight on a roof can create a slew of unintended pitfalls you didn’t know were possible.

Below are some of the common pitfalls to consider when installing a skylight on a roof:

  1. Air leaks — Air leaks are very common in skylight installation, usually because of subpar materials, improper placement, doing it yourself, or hiring a professional without the proper experience. As a result, you’ll lose heat or cool air that you’d rather keep inside, depending on the season.
  2. Too much light — Natural light is a good thing, but if you install a skylight in the wrong location, you run the risk of bringing in too much light and heat. A professional can consult with you on which location is best and how to get the most out of your skylight installation.
  3. Purchasing inferior glass — With any skylight, you open yourself up to possible damage from falling tree limbs, hail, snow, etc. Make sure to purchase laminated glass, which is less likely to shatter and cause injuries to anyone in the house.
  4. Potential roof damage — A skylight is a great addition to any roof (in theory). Depending on the type of roof you have, you could cause unintended structural damage — especially if the installation requires you or the professional you’re using to modify the roof.

Call MJT Roofing today!

There are so many things to be aware of as a homeowner when it comes to your roof. Conducting routine roof inspections is one way to ensure your roof lasts as long as possible. Ensuring any modifications that you make (including adding a skylight) don’t harm your roof is another. Over the next several months, we’ll continue to publish helpful content to our blog page so that MJT Roofing can be a go-to resource for you!


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